And that’s day two in the pocket. The Python hour was spent looking at data types, calculations, manipulations and fstrings.
And that's day 2/100 of #100daysofcodechallenge in the books. Worked with numbers, calculations, datatypes and ftypes today #python Will write my report this evening! #vCommunity
— Wouter Kursten (@Magneet_nl) January 5, 2021
Remark: Besides the Python course I also spend several hours diving into Powershell code for an application that I have been working on for a while.
Notes taken:
[] is get x character from string print("Hello"[2]) get's first l integers use _ to make more readable 123_456_789 is read as 123456789 floating float = floating point number 3.14159 boolean True or False (capiutal T and capital F) bool = True type checking type(var_name) print(type(var_name)) force string str(var_name) int(var_name) calculations () ** power off (2 to the power of 4) * / (Order of written down) + - (Order of written down) print(3 * 3 + 3 / 3 - 3) = 7 round(int(var_name) / 3, 2) the , 2 sets amount of digits floor = // (8 // 3) = 2 calc var_name += 1 f-string f"fsafsa" can be used to combine multiple types in a string print(f"blabla {var_number}")