Day 23 was about lists, dictionaries and creating lists from lists and dicts from dicts
Done with Day 23 of my #100DaysOfCode #Python challenge today was about list and dictionary comprehensions and making your code just a bit shorter using it.
— Wouter Kursten (@Magneet_nl) January 26, 2021
lists and list comprehensions create new list from list new_list = [new_item for item in list] numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4 newer_list = [item+1 for item in numbers] print(newer_list) can also use if new_list = [n*2 for n in range(1,17) if n % 2 == 0] dictionary comprehensions new_dict = {new_key:value for item in list} new_dict = {new_key:value for (key,value) in dict.items()} treat panda dataframe as dict import pandas student_dict ={ "student": ["Miep", "Wouter", "Henk"], "score": [56,76,23] } student_panda_fram = pandas.DataFrame(student_dict) for (index, row) in student_panda_fram.iterrows(): print(row.student)