Something I still see now and then, and have had big issues with in the past, is the time on ESXi hosts. Sometimes no ntp servers have been set or the ESXi hosts can’t connect to them. Other times ntp servers have been set but not the time so they’re still off. Normally this shouldn’t be a problem but since a VM always takes on the time of the hosts it is moving to during a vmotion this can cause issues on database servers.
In my last situation the ntp servers where correct but the time was off and somehow never properly synced to the ntp hosts. To fix this I created 2 scripts, one to check the ntp settings and current time and another to set the time.
$style = "<style>BODY{font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt;}" $style = $style + "TABLE{border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;}" $style = $style + "TH{border: 1px solid black; background: #dddddd; padding: 5px; }" $style = $style + "TD{border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px; }" $style = $style + "</style>" $esxihosts=Get-VMHost | Sort Name | Select Name, @{N="NTPServer";E={$_ |Get-VMHostNtpServer}}, Timezone, @{N="CurrentTime";E={(Get-View $_.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem) | Foreach {$_.QueryDateTime().ToLocalTime()}}}, @{N="ServiceRunning";E={(Get-VmHostService -VMHost $_ |Where-Object {$_.key-eq "ntpd"}).Running}} $esxihosts | convertto-html -head $style -property name,NTPServer,TimeZone,CurrentTime,ServiceRunning | out-file timecheck.html start timecheck.html
Nothing fancy, you need to be connected to your vcenter in advance but it makes and opens a nice html file with your ntp settings and current time on your ESXi hosts.
This is the output it makes:
Then it was time to make the other script, since sometimes it might take a few secs to set the time I decided to check my local time before every set of a time on an ESXi host.
Get-VMHost | Where-Object { $t = Get-Date $dst = $_ | %{ Get-View $_.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.DateTimeSystem } $dst.UpdateDateTime((Get-Date($t.ToUniversalTime()) -format u)) }
Again nothing fancy but it does the trick perfectly.