It’s less than two months before VMworld US is on us, are you looking forward to it? I know I am! In June there have been six updates to VMware flings:
- ESXi Compatibility Checker
- Cross vCenter Workload Migration Utility
- DRS Lens
- vSphere HTML5 Web Client
- VMware OS Optimization Tool
- Horizon Migration Tool
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ESXi Compatibility Checker
This was a new fling last month and now the ESXi Compatibility checker has been expanded with several functions like offline and multiple vCenter support. With this tool it is possible to check if your ESXi hosts will work with the latest and greatest that VMware has to offer.
Build 8951845
Offline case support
- The current script requires to be executed with access to both public internet and target hosts. The new version can separately validate compatibility from collecting hardware information. Hence, user can collect hardware information on a system without public internet access and save the information in a json file. And he can validate compatibility of collected hardware from a saved json file on a system with public internet access.
- The ‘-g’ option will collect hardware information and generate a json file. (no need to have internet access)
$ -s <host> -u <user> -g <json-data-filename>
- The ‘-f’ option will validate compatibility from a json file (no need to access target hosts)
$ -f <json-data-filename>
Multiple virtual centers support
- The host parameter with the ‘-s’ option now accepts comma separated multiple hostnames. This feature will be useful to create a single compatibility report for multiple VCs
$ -s <host1>,<host2>,<host3> -u <user>(,<user>)
More information in the compatibility report
- “Installed Release”, “Checked Release”, and hardware information have been added in the report.
The “-p” option to set a proxy server
- The https proxy server can be specified with the “-p” option
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Cross vCenter Workload Migration Utility
The Cross vCenter Workload Migration Utility provides a GUI to migrate vm’s between vCenters.
Version 2.1, June 21, 2018
- Increased simultaneous migration limit to 100 from 10
- Added check to ignore unknown fields for inventory info
- Fixed source/target site names in task status view
- Updated status API to include version number
[sta_anchor id=”drslens” /]
DRS Lens
As VMware vSphere DRS has become more widely adopted now, more and more users are interested in knowing how it works. They need more insights into DRS activity and actions. They want to know the value that DRS provides to their clusters. DRS Lens is an attempt to provide a UI-based solution to help understand DRS better. (yes this is a lame copy/paste, it’s too hot to come up with original stuf)
Version 1.3
- Upgraded apache tomcat to version 8.5.31 for security compliance.
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vSphere HTML5 Web Client
What would this monthly overview be without the vSphere HTML5 Web client?
Fling 3.39 – Build 8835608
New Features
- All the features of Auto Deploy (when compared with the vSphere Web Client)
- Software Depots
- Deploy Rules
- Deployed Hosts
- Discovered Hosts
- Configure (Auto-Deploy configuration)
- Script Bundles support for Auto-Deploy (Available only in the vSphere Client)
- Script Bundles view where all bundles are listed
- Ability to Upload a script bundle
- Ability to Add/Edit deploy rules with script bundles
- New virtual switches view on a host which includes topology diagrams for standard and host proxy switches
- vApp properties create, edit, delete and set value functionality
- VM vApp option properties create, edit, delete and set value functionality
- vCenter Extensions
- VM SDRS create, edit and delete
[sta_anchor id=”osot” /]
VMware OS Optimization Tool
Being an EUC guy this is simply my favorite fling, nothing new this time, it’s just a bug fix release.
June 14, 2018
- Issue fix: Crash in non-English locale (e.g. French)
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Horizon Migration Tool
The Horizon Migration Tool helps you to migrate from Xendesktop/App to Horizon View. This is mainly a maintenance version for a tool they missed in the last release.
Version 3.0.1
- Fixed issue: add missed XenAppDumper.exe for XenApp 5.0