When working with a Cloud Pod Architecture with the Horizon API’s we always have to make our scripts so that we connect to each pod separately. What if there is a way to discover the other available pods in a site or other site’s and connect to those? I already spent a couple of posts on working with pods and site’s. In this post I will be mainly using the get and list commands to get the information we need. First of all it’s the easiest to have the credentials saved somewhere because we will be disconnecting and connecting from and to pods. More on that can be found in this post.
To start we need to find what pod we’re currently connected to, with the following command we can list all pods:
You see I have two pods: Cluster-Pod2CBR1 and Cluster-POD1CBR1, both have a property called localpod that provides the locality information we need. What we can’t see is if both pods belong to the same site. This can be done by comparing the VMware.Hv.Siteid object but I would prefer to do that from the site side because we might have several pods inside a site and it might become messy that way. The better was is to use that siteid to get all the information from the site.
$localpod=$hvservice.Pod.Pod_List() | where-object {$_.LocalPod -eq $True} $localpod
And use the site id to grab the localsite.
$localsite=$hvservice.Site.Site_Get($localpod.site) $localsite ($localsite).pods
The pods object is an array with all the pods within that site, I have added my second pod to this site to show this. Now I am going to select a connection server from each pod, if you want to connect to all the pods regardless the sites you can use the results from pod_list() to create the same output that we get by using this:
$sitepods=foreach ($sitepod in ($localsite.pods)){$hvservice.Pod.Pod_Get($sitepod)} $sitepods
we still don’t have the name for the connection servers but those are part of the endpoints. We do this by getting the first podendpoint from all the pods within the site.
$podendpoints=foreach ($sitepod in $sitepods){$hvservice.PodEndpoint.PodEndpoint_Get((($sitepod).endpoints | select-object -first 1))} $podendpoints
Now we’re getting somewhere, we just can’t connect to the serveraddress directly so we need to strip the things from the url’s
$connectionservers=$Podendpoints.serveraddress.replace("https://","").replace(":8472/","") $connectionservers
Now we have a list of a connection servers from each pod inside site 1. If we would have used the pod_list() as source we would have ended up with one connection server from all pods within the CPA. The only thing we need to do now is to disconnect and do a foreach with whatever we want to do against the connectionservers.
foreach ($connectionserver in $connectionservers){ Write-Output "This is connectionserver $connectionserver" $hvserver=connect-hvserver -Server $connectionserver -cred $cred $hvserver.ExtensionData.ConnectionServerHealth.ConnectionServerHealth_List() disconnect-hvserver $hvserver -confirm:$false }
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