As you probably have seen from my tweets the last three weeks I have been doing the 100DaysOfCode challenge specifically for Python. Today I was actually a bit bored with the task we got (sorry, I hate creating games) so I decided on checking if I was actually able to consume the Horizon api’s from Python. This was something entirely new for me so it was a boatload of trial & error until I got it working with this script:
import requests,json, getpass requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() pw = getpass.getpass() domain = input("Domain") username = input("Username") url = input("URL") headers = { 'accept': '*/*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } data = {"domain": domain, "password": pw, "username": username} json_data = json.dumps(data) response ='{url}/rest/login', verify=False, headers=headers, data=json_data) data = response.json() access_token = { 'accept': '*/*', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + data['access_token'] } response = requests.get(f'{url}/rest/inventory/v1/desktop-pools', verify=False, headers=access_token) data = response.json() for i in data: print(i['name'])
First I import the requests json and getpass modules. The requests module does the webrequests, the json is used to transform the data to be usable and getpass is used to get my password without showing it. After this I add a line to get rid of the warnings that my certificates aren’t to be trusted (it’s a homelab, duh!).
The most important part is that for the authentication I send username,password and domain as json data in the data while the headers contain the content type. The response gets converted to json data and I use that json data to build the access token. For future requests I only need to pass the access token for authentication.
Now this looks fun but wouldn’t it be better if I create a module for it? Yes it does and that’s what I have done and I have even added a simple function to list desktop pools.
import json, requests, ssl class Connection: def hv_connect(username, password, domain, url): headers = { 'accept': '*/*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } data = {"domain": domain, "password": password, "username": username} json_data = json.dumps(data) response ='{url}/rest/login', verify=False, headers=headers, data=json_data) data = response.json() access_token = { 'accept': '*/*', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + data['access_token'] } return access_token def hv_disconnect(url, access_token):'{url}/rest/logout', verify=False, headers=access_token) class Pools: def list_hvpools(url,access_token): response = requests.get(f'{url}/rest/inventory/v1/desktop-pools', verify=False, headers=access_token) return response.json()
And with a simple script I consume this module to show the display name of the first pool.
import requests, getpass import vmware_horizon requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() url = input("URL\n") username = input("Username\n") domain = input("Domain\n") pw = getpass.getpass() at = vmware_horizon.Connection.hv_connect(username=username,password=pw,url=url,domain=domain) pools = vmware_horizon.Pools.list_hvpools(url=url, access_token=at) print(f'The first Desktop pool is {pools[0]["display_name"]}') vmware_horizon.Connection.hv_disconnect(url=url, access_token=at)
The module is from from ready and I need to find a better way to make it optional to ignore the certificate erros but if you want to follow the progress of the module it can be found on my Github.
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