In this blogpost I showed how to assign a certain vdi machine to a user. This has been made easier since in the vmware.hv.helper module. These days we can use this:
get-hvmachine -machinename MACHINENAME | set-hvmachine -user USER@DOMAIN
This week I got the logical question from Brandon Smith in the comments about removing the assignment. First I need to re-assign the desktop (I have been building a VMUG presentation about PowerCLI & Horizon view so things got messed up)
the result:
Now what need to be done is setting the base.user to $null. I am going to do this by connecting to the machine service and utilize the machinehelper to update the userdata.
$machineservice=new-object vmware.hv.machineservice
We now need to connect to the machinehelper by doing a read on the machineservice. $ will give us the info we need to be able to do this.
From this it becomes clear that we will need the services service and the machineid we want to edit. First let’s put the machine id into a variable.
$machineid=(get-hvmachine -machinename MACHINENAME).id
Now I will read the properties of this machineid and put this into the $machineinfohelper variable
$machineinfohelper=$$services1, $machineid)
Since I know the user property is under the base we will need to get the base first and then set the user. This done by doing getbasehelper() on the machineinfohelper and then do .setuser(user) on that but let’s see what’s under the getbasehelper first.
$machineinfohelper.getbasehelper() | gm
A lot of information but as said the one we need is setuser. To assign a desktop we will need to set this to a userorgroupid value (and that is what the vmware.hv.helper cmdlet does). To clear it we will need to set it to $null.
At this point no changes have been made yet! We will need to apply this update first.
$machineservice.update($services1, $machineinfohelper)
And if we look at the horizon console the entitlement has been removed.
And the complete script:
$hvserver1=connect-hvserver connectionservername $services1=$hvserver1.extensiondata $machinename="MACHINENAME" $machineid=(get-hvmachine -machinename $machinename).id $machineservice=new-object vmware.hv.machineservice $machineinfohelper=$$services1, $machineid) $machineinfohelper.getbasehelper().setuser($null) $machineservice.update($services1, $machineinfohelper)
As usual the script can be found on github.