PowerCLI Script to Horizon Desktop Pool machine counts & provisioning type

A long time ago in a galaxy far way I used to be a freelancer for ControlUp creating Script Actions and that actually helped me in securing a job with this great company. One of the first SBA’s that I made was one to change the amount of machines in a desktop pool. Recently one of our customers asked if it was possible to also control the minimum amount and powered on machines. Today I have updated this sba and it will be published shortly (if it hasn’t been published when you read this hit me up for a preview sba xml file). I took it a step further though and added the option to change the provisioning type. With a small security piece in place to prevent you from accidentally changing the type. Besides this being published as an sba I have also published a script that can be used from any computer using PowerCLI.

To be clear: this script uses PowerCLI with the SOAP api’s so it should work with almost all Horizon Versions since 7.5. If I find the time I will create a REST version but that will only work with Horizon 8 2111 and above.

The parameters:

  • Credentials : This optional parameter needs a credential object from get-credential. If you don’t supply it you will get a popup for credentials
  • HVDesktopPoolname: Required parameter with the name of the Desktop Pool to change
  • HVConnectionServerFQDN: Required parameter with the FQDN for a connection server to connect to
  • Provisioningtype: Optional Parameter if you want to change the provisioning type. Has to be either UP_FRONT or ON_DEMAND
  • ChangeProvisioningtype: optional parameter that needs either $true or $false and defaults to $false if not provided. The script will error if you set this to false while the provisionintype is different from the current one.
  • maxNumberOfMachines: required parameter with the maximum amount of machines
  • minNumberOfMachines: required parameter when using ON_DEMAND as provisioning type for the minimum amount of machines. Validation is done later in the script so it will not ask for an amount if not provided.
  • numberOfSpareMachines: required parameter when using ON_DEMAND as provisioning type for the minimum amount of powered on machines. Validation is done later in the script so it will not ask for an amount if not provided.


Set-Desktoppoolmachinecountandtype.ps1 -Credentials $creds  -HVDesktopPoolname Pod01-Pool02 -HVConnectionServerFQDN pod1cbr1.loft.lab -Provisioningtype ON_DEMAND -maxNumberOfMachines 10 -minNumberOfMachines 3 -ChangeProvisioningtype $true -numberOfSpareMachines 4


Set-Desktoppoolmachinecountandtype.ps1 -Credentials $creds  -HVDesktopPoolname Pod01-Pool02 -HVConnectionServerFQDN pod1cbr1.loft.lab -Provisioningtype UP_FRONT -maxNumberOfMachines 10 -ChangeProvisioningtype $false

there’s an option to add -verbose for a bit more visibility, I will use this in my screenshots:

Changing the count for an pool that provisions all desktops up front

Changing the count & type but not setting the changeprovisioningtype to $true

Corrected changeprovisioningtype

As usual the script is available on Github or down below

    Changes the amount of Desktops in a Horizon Desktop Pool

    This script changes the amount of Desktops in a Horizon Desktop Pool.

    .PARAMETER Credential
    Mandatory: No
    Type: PSCredential
    Object with credentials for the connection server with domain\username and password. If not supplied the script will ask for user and password.

    .PARAMETER HVDesktopPoolname
    Name of the Desktop Pool to update

    .PARAMETER Provisioningtype
    Use ON_DEMAND to provision all desktops up front (will ignore minNumberOfMachines and numberOfSpareMachines

    .PARAMETER ChangeProvisioningtype
    User either True or False to enable or disable the changing of the provisioning type

    .PARAMETER maxNumberOfMachines
    Maximum number of desktops in the pool

    .PARAMETER minNumberOfMachines
    Minimum number of desktops in the pool

    .PARAMETER numberOfSpareMachines
    Minimum number of powered on desktops in the pool

    .PARAMETER HVConnectionServerFQDN
    FQDN for a connectionserver in the pod the pool belongs to.

    Set-Desktoppoolmachinecountandtype.ps1 -Credentials $creds  -HVDesktopPoolname Pod01-Pool02 -HVConnectionServerFQDN pod1cbr1.loft.lab -Provisioningtype ON_DEMAND -maxNumberOfMachines 10 -minNumberOfMachines 3 -ChangeProvisioningtype $true -numberOfSpareMachines 4
    Set-Desktoppoolmachinecountandtype.ps1 -Credentials $creds  -HVDesktopPoolname Pod01-Pool02 -HVConnectionServerFQDN pod1cbr1.loft.lab -Provisioningtype UP_FRONT -maxNumberOfMachines 10 -ChangeProvisioningtype $false

    Set-Desktoppoolmachinecountandtype.ps1 -Credentials $creds  -HVDesktopPoolname Pod01-Pool02 -HVConnectionServerFQDN pod1cbr1.loft.lab -maxNumberOfMachines 10

    This script requires VMWare PowerCLI to be installed on the machine running the script.
    PowerCLI can be installed through PowerShell (PowerShell version 5 or higher required) by running the command 'Install-Module VMWare.PowerCLI -Force -AllowCLobber -Scope AllUsers' Or by using the 'Install VMware PowerCLI' script.
    Credentials can be set using the 'Prepare machine for Horizon View scripts' script.

    Modification history:   12/12/2019 - Wouter Kursten - First version
                            26/03/2022 - Wouter Kursten - Added options for on demand provisioning


    VMWare PowerCLI


    HelpMessage='Credential object as domain\username with password' )]
    [PSCredential] $Credentials,

        HelpMessage='Name of the Desktop Pool'
    [string] $HVDesktopPoolname,

        HelpMessage='FQDN for the connection server'
    [string] $HVConnectionServerFQDN,

        HelpMessage='Provisioning type'
    [string] $Provisioningtype,

        HelpMessage='Change Provisioning type?'
    [bool] $ChangeProvisioningtype = $false,

        HelpMessage='Maximum number of machines in the desktop.'
    [int] $maxNumberOfMachines,

        ParameterSetName = 'ondemand',
        HelpMessage='The minimum number of machines to have provisioned if on demand provisioning is selected. Will be ignored if provisioningtype is set to UP_FRONT.'
    [int] $minNumberOfMachines,

        ParameterSetName = 'ondemand',
        HelpMessage='Number of spare powered on machines. Will be ignored if provisioningtype is set to UP_FRONT.'
    [int] $numberOfSpareMachines

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

function Load-VMWareModules {
    <# Imports VMware modules
    - The required modules to be loaded are passed as an array.
    - In versions of PowerCLI below 6.5 some of the modules can't be imported (below version 6 it is Snapins only) using so Add-PSSnapin is used (which automatically loads all VMWare modules)

    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The VMware module to be loaded. Can be single or multiple values (as array).")]

    # Try Import-Module for each passed component, try Add-PSSnapin if this fails (only if -Prefix was not specified)
    # Import each module, if Import-Module fails try Add-PSSnapin
    foreach ($component in $Components) {
        try {
            $null = Import-Module -Name VMware.$component
        catch {
            try {
                $null = Add-PSSnapin -Name VMware
            catch {
                write-error 'The required VMWare modules were not found as modules or snapins. Please check the .NOTES and .COMPONENTS sections in the Comments of this script for details.'

function Connect-HorizonConnectionServer {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The FQDN of the Horizon View Connection server. IP address may be used.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The PSCredential object used for authentication.")]
    # Try to connect to the Connection server
    try {
        Connect-HVServer -Server $HVConnectionServerFQDN -Credential $Credential
    catch {
        write-error "There was a problem connecting to the Horizon View Connection server: $_."

function Disconnect-HorizonConnectionServer {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]
    # Try to connect from the connection server
    try {
        Disconnect-HVServer -Server $HVConnectionServer -Confirm:$false
    catch {
        write-error  "There was a problem disconnecting from the Horizon View Connection server: $_"

function Get-HVDesktopPool {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Name of the Desktop Pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]
    # Try to get the Desktop pools in this pod
    try {
        # create the service object first
        [VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
        # Create the object with the definiton of what to query
        [VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
        # entity type to query
        $defn.queryEntityType = 'DesktopSummaryView'
        # Filter oud rds desktop pools since they don't contain machines
        $defn.Filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='desktopSummaryData.displayName'; 'value' = "$HVPoolname"}
        # Perform the actual query
        [array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $defn)).results
        # Remove the query
        # Return the results
        if (!$queryResults){
            write-error  "Can't find $HVPoolName, exiting"
        elseif (($queryResults).desktopsummarydata.type -eq "MANUAL"){
            write-output  "This a manual Horizon View Desktop Pool, cannot change the amount of desktops"
        elseif (($queryResults).desktopsummarydata.source -eq "VIRTUAL_CENTER"){
            write-output  "This a Full Clone Horizon View Desktop Pool, if the amount of desktops has been reduced the extra systems need to be removed manually"
            return $queryResults
        else {
            return $queryResults
    catch {
        write-error  "There was a problem retreiving the Horizon View Desktop Pool: $_"

function get-hvpoolspec{
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "ID of the Desktop Pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]
    try {
    catch {
        write-error "There was a problem retreiving the desktop pool details: $_"

function Set-HVPool {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "ID of the Desktop Pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Provisioning type UP_FRONT or ON_DEMAND")]
        [string] $Provisioningtype,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Desired amount of desktops in the pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
        HelpMessage = "Desired amount of spare desktops in the pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false,
        HelpMessage = "Desired minimum amount of desktops in the pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]
    if($Provisioningtype -eq "UP_FRONT"){
        try {
            # First define the Service we need
            [VMware.Hv.DesktopService]$desktopservice=new-object vmware.hv.DesktopService
            # Fill the helper for this service with the application information
            $desktophelper=$desktopservice.read($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $HVPoolID)
            # Change the state of the application in the helper
            # Apply the helper to the actual object
            $desktopservice.update($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $desktophelper)
        catch {
            write-error "There was a problem changing the desktop count: $_"
        try {
            # First define the Service we need
            [VMware.Hv.DesktopService]$desktopservice=new-object vmware.hv.DesktopService
            # Fill the helper for this service with the application information
            $desktophelper=$desktopservice.read($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $HVPoolID)
            # Change the state of the application in the helper
            # Apply the helper to the actual object
            $desktopservice.update($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $desktophelper)
        catch {
            write-error "There was a problem changing the desktop count: $_"

write-verbose "Script will change this Desktop Pool: $HVDesktopPoolName"
write-verbose "Script will connect to this Connection Server: $HVConnectionServerFQDN "
    write-verbose "Provisioningtype was set to $Provisioningtype"
    write-verbose "No ProvisioningType was provided"

write-verbose "ChangeProvisioningtype was set to $ChangeProvisioningtype"
write-verbose "New Maximum Desktop Count is $maxNumberOfMachines "
    write-verbose "minNumberOfMachines was set to $minNumberOfMachines"
    write-verbose "No minNumberOfMachines was provided"

    write-verbose "numberOfSpareMachines was set to $numberOfSpareMachines"
    write-verbose "No numberOfSpareMachines was provided"

    $creds = $credentials
    $creds = get-credential

# Connect to the Horizon View Connection Server

[VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView.Impl.V1.ViewObjectImpl]$objHVConnectionServer = Connect-HorizonConnectionServer -HVConnectionServerFQDN $HVConnectionServerFQDN -Credential $creds

# Retreive the desktop pool
$HVPool=Get-HVDesktopPool -HVPoolName $HVDesktopPoolname -HVConnectionServer $objHVConnectionServer
write-verbose  "Retreived information about $HVDesktopPoolname"

# But we only need the ID

# Retreive the pool spec
$hvpoolspec=Get-HVPoolSpec -HVConnectionServer $objHVConnectionServer -HVPoolID $HVPoolID
write-verbose "Current provisioningtype = $ProvisioningTime"
write-verbose "Checking if provisioningtype matches the current setting and if I am allowed to change it."
    if($ProvisioningTime -ne $provisioningtype -and $changeprovisioningtype -eq $False){
        write-error "Provisioningtype of $provisioningtype does not match the current provisioningtype. Set changeprovisioningtype to True to change the provisioningtype"
    elseif($ProvisioningTime -ne $provisioningtype -and $changeprovisioningtype -eq $true){
        write-verbose "Changing Provisioningtype to $Provisioningtype"
    $Provisioningtype = $ProvisioningTime

if($Provisioningtype -eq "ON_DEMAND"){
    write-verbose "Checking if numberOfSpareMachines or minNumberOfMachines is missing"
    if(!$minNumberOfMachines -or !$numberOfSpareMachines){
        write-error "numberOfSpareMachines and minNumberOfMachines are required when using provisioningtype: $provisioningtype"

# We cannot change manual pools so we give a warning about this and exit the script.
if ($hvpoolspec.Type -eq "MANUAL"){
    write-error "Could not execute, this a manual Horizon View Desktop Pool, cannot change the amount of desktops."

# When not all vm's are provisioned up front the max amount of machines can't be lower that the minimum amount or the number of spare machines.
if ($Provisioningtype -eq "ON_DEMAND"){
    if ($numberOfSpareMachines -ge $maxNumberOfMachines -or $minNumberOfMachines -ge $maxNumberOfMachines){
        write-error "Could not execute, the number of desktops cannot be smaller than the minimum amount of desktops or the number of spare desktops"

# Change the desktop count in the pool

if($Provisioningtype -eq "UP_FRONT"){
    write-verbose "Provisioningtype is $Provisioningtype so ignoring minNumberOfMachines and numberOfSpareMachines if they have been added."
    write-verbose  "Trying to change $HVDesktopPoolname to $maxNumberOfMachines desktops."
    Set-HVPool -HVConnectionServer $objHVConnectionServer -HVPoolID $HVPoolID -maxNumberOfMachines $maxNumberOfMachines -Provisioningtype $Provisioningtype
    write-output  "Changed $HVDesktopPoolname to $maxNumberOfMachines desktops all provisioned up front."
    write-verbose "Provisioningtype is $Provisioningtype so using minNumberOfMachines and numberOfSpareMachines."
    write-verbose  "Trying to change $HVDesktopPoolname to $maxNumberOfMachines desktops with a minimum of $minNumberOfMachines machines and $numberOfSpareMachines spares."
    Set-HVPool -HVConnectionServer $objHVConnectionServer -HVPoolID $HVPoolID -maxNumberOfMachines $maxNumberOfMachines -Provisioningtype $Provisioningtype -minNumberOfMachines $minNumberOfMachines -numberOfSpareMachines $numberOfSpareMachines
    write-output  "Changed $HVDesktopPoolname to $maxNumberOfMachines desktops with a minimum of $minNumberOfMachines machines and $numberOfSpareMachines spares."

# Disconnect from the connection server
Disconnect-HorizonConnectionServer -HVConnectionServer $objHVConnectionServer


[API]New way to gather Horizon Events

A good bunch of my audience has probably already noticed it but with Horizon 8 release 2106 VMware has added a new method to gather Horizon Events: the AuditEventSummaryView query. In this post I will describe how to consume this query using the soap API. I have been told by VMware specialists that this updated version of the eventsummaryview is actually safe to use and wont put a burden on the connection servers.

A quick small script to consume this query could look like this:

param (
    HelpMessage='Credential object as domain\username with password' )]
    [PSCredential] $Credential,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN

    $creds = $credential
    $creds = get-credential

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Loading powercli modules
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -credential $creds
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$queryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition

$eventlist = @()
$GetNext = $false
$queryResults = $queryservice.QueryService_Create($Services1, $defn)
do {
    if ($GetNext) {
        $queryResults = $queryservice.QueryService_GetNext($Services1, $queryResults.id) 
    $eventlist += $queryResults.results
    $GetNext = $true
while ($queryResults.remainingCount -gt 0)
$queryservice.QueryService_Delete($Services1, $queryResults.id)
return $eventlist

I run it like this, show the event count and the last one

$creds = import-clixml d:\homelab\creds.xml
$events = D:\GIT\Scripts\get-horizon-audit-events.ps1 -ConnectionServerFQDN loftcbr01.loft.lab -Credential $creds
$events | select-object -last 1

If you want to filter the data a bit more there are plenty of options for that:

I have added some filtering options to the above script, if you supply the filtertype argument the filterdata and filtervalue are mandatory. Filtertype for now can be either Equals or Contains, filterdata can be any of the data types from the image above and the value is the value you’re going to filter on. To be honest not all of the data types worked when I was creating this post but the message actually did.

param (
    HelpMessage='Credential object as domain\username with password' )]
    [PSCredential] $Credential,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Filter',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage = "Name of the data type to filter on.")]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='noFilter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage = "Name of the data type to filter on.")]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Filter',Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage = "Value to filter on.")]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='noFilter',Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage = "Value to filter on.")]

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Filter',HelpMessage = "FIltertype: Equals or Contains.")]


    $creds = $credential
    $creds = get-credential

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

# Loading powercli modules
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.HorizonView
Import-Module VMware.VimAutomation.Core

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -credential $creds
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$queryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition

    if($filtertype -eq "Contains"){
        $defn.Filter= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterContains -property @{'MemberName'=$filterdata; 'value'=$filtervalue}
        $defn.Filter= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'MemberName'=$filterdata; 'value'=$filtervalue}

$eventlist = @()
$GetNext = $false
$queryResults = $queryservice.QueryService_Create($Services1, $defn)
do {
    if ($GetNext) {
        $queryResults = $queryservice.QueryService_GetNext($Services1, $queryResults.id) 
    $eventlist += $queryResults.results
    $GetNext = $true
while ($queryResults.remainingCount -gt 0)
$queryservice.QueryService_Delete($Services1, $queryResults.id)
return $eventlist

I run and check it like this:

$events = D:\GIT\Scripts\get-horizon-audit-events.ps1 -ConnectionServerFQDN loftcbr01.loft.lab -Credential $creds -filtertype Contains -filterdata message -filtervalue "has logged in"
$events | Select-Object message -last 10

The last version shown here can be downloaded from my github: Various_Scripts/get-horizon-audit-events.ps1 at master · Magneet/Various_Scripts (github.com)


Powercli script to assign a dedicated Horizon machine to multiple users

Yesterday Robin Stolpe again reached out that he was having issues assigning multiple accounts to the same dedicated machine. He couldn’t get this running with the vmware.hv.helper and looking that with how it is implemented now it will probably never work. I decided to put together some of the functions I have used for ControlUp script based actions and some of my other work to put together the following script (that can be found on Github here.)

    HelpMessage='Enter a username' )]
    [string] $Username,

    HelpMessage='Domain i.e. loft.lab' )]
    [string] $Domain,

    HelpMessage='Password in plain text' )]
    [string] $Password,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    HelpMessage='Path to credentials xml file' )]
    [string] $Credentialfile,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,  HelpMessage='username of the user to logoff (domain\user i.e. loft.lab\user1')]
    [string[]] $TargetUsers,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Name of the desktop pool the machine belongs to')]
  [string] $TargetPool,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='dns name of the machine the user is on i.d. lp-002.loft.lab')]
  [string] $TargetMachine,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='domain for the target users')]
  [string] $TargetDomain

if($Credentialfile -and ((test-path $Credentialfile) -eq $true)){
        write-host "Using credentialsfile"
        $credentials=Import-Clixml $Credentialfile
        $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secpw)
        $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
        write-error -Message "Error importing credentials"
elseif($Credentials -and ((test-path $credentials) -eq $false)){
    write-error "Invalid Path to credentials file"
elseif($username -and $Domain -and $Password){
    write-host "Using separate credentials"

function Get-HVDesktopPool {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Displayname of the Desktop Pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]
    # Try to get the Desktop pools in this pod
    try {
        # create the service object first
        [VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
        # Create the object with the definiton of what to query
        [VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
        # entity type to query
        $defn.queryEntityType = 'DesktopSummaryView'
        # Filter on the correct displayname
        $defn.Filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='desktopSummaryData.displayName'; 'value' = "$HVPoolname"}
        # Perform the actual query
        [array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $defn)).results
        # Remove the query
        # Return the results
        if (!$queryResults){
            write-host "Can't find $HVPoolName, exiting."
        else {
            return $queryResults
    catch {
        write-host 'There was a problem retreiving the Horizon View Desktop Pool.'

function Get-HVDesktopMachine {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "ID of the Desktop Pool.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Name of the Desktop machine.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]

    try {
        # create the service object first
        [VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
        # Create the object with the definiton of what to query
        [VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
        # entity type to query
        $defn.queryEntityType = 'MachineDetailsView'
        # Filter so we get the correct machine in the correct pool
        $poolfilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='desktopData.id'; 'value' = $HVPoolID}
        $machinefilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='data.name'; 'value' = "$HVMachineName"}
        $filterlist = @()
        $filterlist += $poolfilter
        $filterlist += $machinefilter
        $filterAnd = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterAnd
        $filterAnd.Filters = $filterlist
        $defn.Filter = $filterAnd
        # Perform the actual query
        [array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $defn)).results
        # Remove the query
        # Return the results
        if (!$queryResults){
            write-host "Can't find $HVPoolName, exiting."
            return $queryResults
    catch {
        write-host 'There was a problem retreiving the Horizon View Desktop Pool.'

function Get-HVUser {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "User loginname..")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "Name of the Domain.")]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
        HelpMessage = "The Horizon View Connection server object.")]

    try {
        # create the service object first
        [VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
        # Create the object with the definiton of what to query
        [VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
        # entity type to query
        $defn.queryEntityType = 'ADUserOrGroupSummaryView'
        # Filter to get the correct user
        $userloginnamefilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='base.loginName'; 'value' = $HVUserLoginName}
        $domainfilter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='base.domain'; 'value' = "$HVDomain"}
        $filterlist = @()
        $filterlist += $userloginnamefilter
        $filterlist += $domainfilter
        $filterAnd = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterAnd
        $filterAnd.Filters = $filterlist
        $defn.Filter = $filterAnd
        # Perform the actual query
        [array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVConnectionServer.extensionData, $defn)).results
        # Remove the query
        # Return the results
        if (!$queryResults){
            write-host "Can't find user $HVUserLoginName in domain $HVDomain, exiting."
        else {
            return $queryResults
    catch {
        write-host 'There was a problem retreiving the user.'

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -user $username -domain $domain -password $password
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$desktop_pool=Get-HVDesktopPool -hvpoolname $TargetPool -HVConnectionServer $hvserver1


$machine = get-hvdesktopmachine -HVConnectionServer $hvserver1 -HVMachineName $TargetMachine -HVPoolID $poolid
$machineid = $machine.id

foreach ($targetuser in $TargetUsers){
    $user = Get-HVUser -HVConnectionServer $hvserver1 -hvdomain $TargetDomain -HVUserLoginName $targetUser

$Services1.Machine.Machine_assignUsers($machineid, $useridlist)

So first I have 3 functions to get the Pool, the machine and users. With a foreach on the $Targetusers list I create a list of the userid’s that is required to use for the Machine_assignUsers function of the machine service.

Powercli script to (forcefully) log off Horizon users

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away I wrote this blog post to log a user off from their vdi session. Today I got an inquiry from Robin Stolpe that he was trying to make it a script with arguments instead if the menu’s but was having some issues with that. This gave me the chance to make it a bit nicer of a script with the option to user username/domain/password as credentials but also a credentialfile , optional forcefully logging off the users and with Robin’s requirements of being able to provide the exact username and the machine that user is working on.

The script can be ran like this:

D:\GIT\Scripts\logoff_user.ps1 -Credentialfile "D:\homelab\creds.xml" -TargetUser "loft.lab\m_wouter" -TargetMachine "lp-001.loft.lab" -ConnectionServerFQDN loftcbr01.loft.lab

or with credentials and the -force parameter

D:\GIT\Scripts\logoff_user.ps1 -TargetUser "loft.lab\m_wouter" -TargetMachine "lp-001.loft.lab" -ConnectionServerFQDN loftcbr01.loft.lab -Username m_wouter -domain loft.lab -password "HAHAHAHA" -force

Now let’s have a look how the script is build.

So I started with the parameters and for that I included 2 parameter sets so you can either choose to have the separate credentials or to use a credentials file.

    HelpMessage='Enter a username' )]
    [string] $Username,

    HelpMessage='Domain i.e. loft.lab' )]
    [string] $Domain,

    HelpMessage='Password in plain text' )]
    [string] $Password,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    HelpMessage='Path to credentials xml file' )]
    [string] $Credentialfile,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Synchronise the local site only' )]
    [switch] $Force,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,  HelpMessage='username of the user to logoff (domain\user i.e. loft.lab\user1')]
    [string] $TargetUser,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='dns name of the machine the user is on i.d. lp-002.loft.lab')]
  [string] $TargetMachine

Than I check if a credential file was supplied and if I can actually import it

if($Credentialfile -and ((test-path $Credentialfile) -eq $true)){
        write-host "Using credentialsfile"
        $credentials=Import-Clixml $Credentialfile
        $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secpw)
        $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
        write-error -Message "Error importing credentials"
elseif($Credentials -and ((test-path $credentials) -eq $false)){
    write-error "Invalid Path to credentials file"
elseif($username -and $Domain -and $Password){
    write-host "Using separate credentials"

The file doesn’t exist:

Or an error importing the xml (duh, what do you think what happoens when you use a json instead of xml, fool!)

Then it’s a matter of logging in, performing a query and checking if there’s really a session for this user. As you can see I am using machineOrRDSServerDNS so it should also work for RDS sessions.

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -user $username -domain $domain -password $password
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
$sessionfilterspec = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$sessionfilterspec.queryEntityType = 'SessionLocalSummaryView'
$sessionfilter1= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter2= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter=new-object vmware.hv.QueryFilterAnd
$sessionfilter.filters=@($sessionfilter1, $sessionfilter2)
$session=($queryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $sessionfilterspec)).results
if($session.count -eq 0){
    write-host "No session found for $targetuser on $targetmachine"

And last but not least logging the user of with or without the -force option

    write-host "Forcefully logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
    write-host "Logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
        write-error "error logging the user off, maybe the sessions was locked. Try with -force"

This session was locked

So let’s force that thing

And here’s the entire script but you can also find it on my github.

    HelpMessage='Enter a username' )]
    [string] $Username,

    HelpMessage='Domain i.e. loft.lab' )]
    [string] $Domain,

    HelpMessage='Password in plain text' )]
    [string] $Password,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,  HelpMessage='FQDN of the connectionserver' )]
    [string] $ConnectionServerFQDN,

    HelpMessage='Path to credentials xml file' )]
    [string] $Credentialfile,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='Synchronise the local site only' )]
    [switch] $Force,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,  HelpMessage='username of the user to logoff (domain\user i.e. loft.lab\user1')]
    [string] $TargetUser,

    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage='dns name of the machine the user is on i.d. lp-002.loft.lab')]
  [string] $TargetMachine

if($Credentialfile -and ((test-path $Credentialfile) -eq $true)){
        write-host "Using credentialsfile"
        $credentials=Import-Clixml $Credentialfile
        $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secpw)
        $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR)
        write-error -Message "Error importing credentials"
elseif($Credentials -and ((test-path $credentials) -eq $false)){
    write-error "Invalid Path to credentials file"
elseif($username -and $Domain -and $Password){
    write-host "Using separate credentials"

$hvserver1=connect-hvserver $ConnectionServerFQDN -user $username -domain $domain -password $password
$Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData

$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
$sessionfilterspec = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$sessionfilterspec.queryEntityType = 'SessionLocalSummaryView'
$sessionfilter1= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter2= New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals
$sessionfilter=new-object vmware.hv.QueryFilterAnd
$sessionfilter.filters=@($sessionfilter1, $sessionfilter2)
$session=($queryService.QueryService_Create($Services1, $sessionfilterspec)).results
if($session.count -eq 0){
    write-host "No session found for $targetuser on $targetmachine"

    write-host "Forcefully logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
    write-host "Logging off $targetUser from $targetmachine"
        write-error "error logging the user off, maybe the sessions was locked. Try with -force"

[HorizonAPI] Disabling Provisioning and/or disabling entire Desktop Pools and RDS Farms

Today I saw the question on the VMware{Code} Slack Channel if anyone ever managed to disabled Desktop Pools using PowerCLI. I was like yeah I have done that and you might need to user the helperservice for that. I offered to create q fast and quick blog post about it so here we go.

First as always I connect to my Connection Server and use a query to retrieve the Pool that I am going to disable.

$creds=import-clixml creds.xml
$hvserver=connect-hvserver pod1cbr1.loft.lab -Credential $creds
$poolqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$pooldefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -Property @{ 'memberName' = 'desktopSummaryData.name'; 'value' = "Pod01_Pool01" }
$pool = ($poolqueryService.QueryService_Create($hvservice, $pooldefn)).results

With this object I can show you the details of the desktop pool


Like I said to actually change things I need the helper service so this is what you do to initialize that.

$desktopservice=new-object vmware.hv.DesktopService
$desktophelper=$desktopservice.read($HVservice, $pool.id)
$desktophelper.getdesktopsettingshelper() | gm

As we saw in the second screenshot I need the desktopsettings and than Enabled


To change the setting in the helper I need to use sethelper($False)


Now this has not been changed yet on the desktop pool itself, to do that we need to use desktopservice.update and I also show the result of the change.

$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

And to reverse this

$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

Disabling provisioning uses the same methodology just in another spot.

To disable provisioning ( the | gm is not needed, it’s just there to show you whats’s in there):

$desktophelper.getAutomatedDesktopDataHelper().getVirtualCenterProvisioningSettingsHelper() | gm
$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

And to revert it

$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

For RDSH farms the process is similar some of the naming is just different. First to get the farm object

$farmqueryservice=new-object vmware.hv.queryserviceservice
$farmdefn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -Property @{ 'memberName' = 'data.name'; 'value' = "Pod01-Farm01" }
$farm = ($farmqueryservice.QueryService_Create($hvservice, $farmdefn)).results

And to create the helper and disable the farm

$farmservice=New-Object VMware.Hv.FarmService

And in reverse 🙂


And now the provisioning part


Guess what?


[HorizonAPI] Configuring the Horizon event database in code

Last week Mark Brookfield asked the question if it is possible to configure the event database in code. My answer was that I thought it should be possible until Stephen Jesse pointed me to the the vmware.hv.helper where there is the set-hveventdatabase cmdlet for this. When looking at the code I noticed something familiar:

Author                      : Wouter Kursten
Author email                : wouter@retouw.nl
Version                     : 1.0

===Tested Against Environment====
Horizon View Server Version : 7.4
PowerCLI Version            : PowerCLI 10
PowerShell Version          : 5.0

So that’s why I knew it was possible! A good reason to create a quick blogpost though. Mark made a nice script for himself with variables and all those fancy things but I just want to quickly show how you can do it.

$hvedbpw=read-host -AsSecureString
$dbupassword=New-Object VMware.Hv.SecureString
$eventservice=new-object vmware.hv.eventdatabaseservice
$eventsettings=new-object VMware.Hv.EventDatabaseEventSettings
$eventdatabase=new-object VMware.Hv.EventDatabaseSettings

The first three line make it possible to not use a plaintext password. If you don’t care about that you can remove those and declare something for $plainevdbpassword.

For the $eventsettings.ShowEventsForTime for time there are several options (same as in the gui) these are:

Yes, they are all in capitals!

To show how this works I will first clear the current database.


Yes this is one of those exceptions where a service_get doesn’t need an id.

Now I run the script with a new _get to show the results.

If you are interested in the details:

[HorizonAPI] Working with UAG’s

Something that was added in the last few versions of the Horizon API is the option to handle UAG’s. Since I had to add an uag to my lab for another project I decided to find out what api calls are possible. First I’ll check what services there are.

$hvservice | Select-Object gateway*

I will ignore the GatewayAccessUserOrGroup since that was already in there so we are left with Gateway and GatewayHealth. Let’s see what methods are available under Gateway.

$hvservice.Gateway | gm

I Gateway_Get and Gateway_List will show the same information as always but with _Get you will need a gateway ID and it only shows the information about one gateway. WIth _List you will get the information about all registered gateways.

$gw=$hvservice.Gateway.Gateway_List() | select-object -First 1

Let’s see what’s in that GeneralData (Spoiler: not a lot!)


To remove a gateway we use Gateway_Unregister with the gatewayid


Now i need to register the Gateway again let’s see what we need for that.


So we need an object of the type VMware.Hv.GatewaySpec. Let’s define that and see what it looks like.

$gwspec=New-Object VMware.Hv.GatewaySpec

So we only need the GatewayName, please use the exact name that was used to configure the UAG otherwise it can be added but it won’t be showing any data.


Now to register the UAG


So with this we did everything we could with the Gateway service. Next is the GatewayHealth service.

$hvservice.GatewayHealth | Get-Member

as usual there’s only a get and a list so let’s see what data is in there.


Sadly nothing more than the admin interface gives us but enough to build an health check like I did for the vCheck already (that can be found here)

For the type there are several options and those can be found in the API Explorer.

“AP” AP type is for UAG.
“F5” F5 type is for F5 server.
“SG” SG type is for Security Server.
“SG-cohosted” SG-cohosted type is for Cohosted CS as gateway.
“Unknown” Unknown type is for unrecognized gateway type.

I was told by a VMware employee that SG-cohosted is fancy wording for a connection server.

And that’s everything we can do with UAG’s using the Horizon API’s!

[HorizonAPI] Changing the amount of desktops or RDS hosts in a pool/farm

Sometimes there is a need to change the amount of desktops/rds hosts in a pool/farm. Since doing this in the GUI sucks (although that seems to have gotten slightly better with 7.11) I prefer to do it using the API’s. Let’s start with a Desktop pool.

The easiest way to change pool settings is to use the helper function of a service. After connecting to the connection server we first need to query for the ID of the desktoppool that we need to change.

[VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
[VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$defn.queryEntityType = 'DesktopSummaryView'
$defn.Filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='desktopSummaryData.name'; 'value' = "Pod01_Pool01"}
[array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVservice, $defn)).results

To actually change the pool it’s the best to use the helper function of a service so we first put the desktopservice into an object

$desktopservice=new-object vmware.hv.DesktopService

The next step is to read the current settings into another object.

$desktophelper=$desktopservice.read($HVservice, $HVPoolID)

If you want to see what’s in here we’ll just do this

$desktophelper | get-member

With the get helper method’s it’s possible to get things while you can change them with their set counterpart. Don’t forget to use brackets when you want to go deeper.

$desktophelper.getAutomatedDesktopDataHelper() | get-member

And we can go on and on with this but I happen to already have found where the amount of desktops is listed.

$desktophelper.getAutomatedDesktopDataHelper().getVmNamingSettingsHelper().getPatternNamingSettingsHelper() | get-member

Let’s take a look at the getMaxNumberOfMachines method.


And we can actually use this with setMaxNumberOfMachines


But nothing has changed yet (and yes I am lazy so I will show it using the vmware.hv.helper module.

(get-hvpool -PoolName pod01_pool01).automateddesktopdata.VmNamingSettings.PatternNamingSettings

To apply the change to 10 vm’s we need to apply the helper using the update method

$desktopservice.update($hvservice, $desktophelper)

And when we check this with get-hvpool.

And we can do almost the same for RDS farms just a few details that are different in the naming of various objects.

[VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService]$queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService
[VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition]$defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition
$defn.queryEntityType = 'FarmSummaryView'
$defn.Filter = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryFilterEquals -property @{'memberName'='data.name'; 'value' = "pod1_rds_IC"}
[array]$queryResults= ($queryService.queryService_create($HVservice, $defn)).results
(Get-HVFarm -FarmName pod1_rds_ic).automatedfarmdata.RdsServerNamingSettings.PatternNamingSettings
[VMware.Hv.FarmService]$farmservice=new-object vmware.hv.FarmService
$farmhelper=$farmservice.read($HVservice, $HVFarmID)
$farmservice.update($HVservice, $farmhelper)


Updates to the Horizon API’s in PowerCLI 11.4

So today PowerCLI 11.4 was released with the following updates:

  • Add support for Horizon View 7.9
  • Added new cmdlets to the Storage module
  • Updated Storage module cmdlets
  • Updated HCX module cmdlets

As usual we need to wait for API explorer to be updated before we get the exact changes to the api’s but I already grabbed s short list by comparing the methods. Later I will create a more elaborate blog post about the changes if I have an overview. What I do see are some new additions that might be added to the vCheck for Horizon.

Also: even though the updates are for Horizon 7.9 there’s a good chance that a lot of this also works for previous versions, the examples below where done with 7.8.

  • Datacenter
  • DesktopHealth
  • Gateway
  • GatewayHealth
  • MessageClient
  • Monitoring
  • PersistentDiskQueryService
  • Privilege
  • SecondaryCredentials
  • SessionStatistics
  • StorageAccelerator
  • UsageStatistics
  • Validator
  • VirtualCenterStatistics

Sadly it’s late so I can only show a couple of examples:




Finally we can reset the usage counters as well now

And some statistics from vCenter


Generating a clean Host Profile using PowerCLI

First of all: I love Host Profiles! But they’re easy to mess up as well, leave something selected related to hardware and an update in ESXi, vib’s or even a firmware update might break it. For a customer where we are going to do the entire vSphere build from scratch I got the idea to generate an empty Host Profile and extend that one using scripting. At first I though this would be an easy thing but it definitely isn’t, a reply from PowerCLI guru Luc Dekens at the VMware{Code} forums set me on the right path to do so. Luc’s remark that editing Host Profiles might take some reverse engineering for the lack of documentation is a huge understatement. It has cost me many many hours to build the script below.

I strongly recommend having the reference host as clean as possible.

These are the steps the script takes

  1. connect to vCenter
  2. extract a new Host Profile
  3. Gets the new Host Profile
  4. Copies all members of the new Host Profile to an object that can be edited
  5. Sets everything that I could find in my environment to false
  6. Updates the Host Profile with the edited object

Required parameters

  • vCenter
    • Your vCenter host
  • Referencehost
    • the name of the host in vCenter
  • Hostprofilename
    • Name for the Host Profile

There are also a couple of optional parameters:

  • dnshost
    • It’s mandatory to have a DNS set in the defaulttcpipstack. With this parameter you can change this.
  • domainname
    • Like DNS it’s mandatory to have a domainname set in the defaulttcpipstack. With this parameter you can change this
  • Cleanup
    • This one defaults to false but can be set to true. It will remove all NFS Datastores, vmkernel ports, portgroups, device aliases and direct i/o profiles.
    • Use this one with care, if you apply it to a host it will most probably remove all networking details for that host making it unusable.

This is how a manual extracted Host Profile looks

This is how a Host Profile looks after using my script without the cleanup option, everything is deselected but the device aliases for example are kept.

.\create_clean_hostprofile.ps1 -vcenter vCenter -Hostprofilename demo_no_cleanup -referencehost hostname

And this is how it looks with the cleanup used.

.\create_clean_hostprofile.ps1 -vcenter vCenter -Hostprofilename demo_no_cleanup -referencehost hostname -cleanup $true

The script itself can be found on Github as well:

# Generates a clean Host Profile
# Build using PowerCLI 11
# Version 1.0
# 17-08-2019
# Created by: Wouter Kursten
# Website: https://retouw.eu

[Parameter()][bool]$Cleanup = $false

# I grabbed this function somewhere from an example by Luc Dekens
function Copy-Property ($From, $To, $PropertyName ="*"){
    foreach ($p in Get-Member -In $From -MemberType Property -Name $propertyName){
        trap {
            Add-Member -In $To -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $p.Name -Value $From.$($p.Name) -Force
    $To.$($P.Name) = $From.$($P.Name)

#connect to the vCenter
connect-viserver $vcenter

# This deletes any existing Host Profile with the same name as we're using in this script
get-vmhostprofile -name $Hostprofilename  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Remove-VMHostProfile -Confirm:$false

# This creates a new Host Profile from the referencehost
new-vmhostprofile -name $Hostprofilename -referencehost $referencehost

# Retrieves the newly created Host Profile
$hp = Get-VMHostProfile -Name $Hostprofilename

# Creates the spec where the cleanup is done
$spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostProfileCompleteConfigSpec

# Copies all properties of the new Host Profile to the spec
Copy-Property -From $hp.ExtensionData.Config -To $spec

# This removes everything that could be specific to the referencehost
if ($cleanup -eq $true){
    ($spec.ApplyProfile.Property | where-object {$_.PropertyName -like "*DeviceAlias*"}).profile=$null
    ($spec.ApplyProfile.Property | where-object {$_.PropertyName -like "*PCI*"}).profile.property.profile=$null

# From here it's just disabling of items except for:
# -items under storage> PSA Configuration (profiles are removed)
# -Properties of the fixed DNS config (set to the default values from this scripts parameters)

foreach ($o in $spec.applyprofile.Option){
    if ($o.Enabled){

foreach ($p in $spec.ApplyProfile.Property.Profile){
    if ($p.Enabled){
    foreach ($pa in $p.Property.Profile){
            if ($pa.Enabled){
        foreach ($paa in $pa.Property.Profile){
                if ($paa.Enabled){

foreach ($s in $spec.ApplyProfile.Storage.Nasstorage){
    if ($s.Enabled){
    foreach ($sa in $s){
        if ($sa.Enabled){

foreach ($s in $spec.ApplyProfile.Storage.Property.Profile){
    if ($s.Enabled){

    if ($s.ProfileTypeName -eq "psa_psaProfile_PluggableStorageArchitectureProfile" -AND $cleanup -eq $true){
        foreach ($sa in $s.property){
            if ($sa.propertyname -like "*psa_psaProfile_PsaDevice*"){
    foreach ($sa in $s.Property.Profile){
        if ($sa.Enabled){
        foreach ($saa in $sa.Property.Profile){
            if ($saa.Enabled){

foreach ($f in $spec.ApplyProfile.Firewall.ruleset){
    if ($f.Enabled){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.vswitch){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($naa in $na.link){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NumPorts){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NetworkPolicy){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.pnic){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.VmPortGroup){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vlan){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vswitch){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NetworkPolicy){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.HostPortGroup){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($naa in $na.IpConfig){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vlan){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Vswitch){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){
        foreach ($naa in $na.NetworkPolicy){
            if ($naa.enabled -eq $True){

foreach ($n in $spec.ApplyProfile.Network.Property.Profile){
    if ($n.Enabled){
    foreach ($na in $n.Property.Profile){
        if ($na.Enabled){
        foreach ($np in $na.policy.policyoption){
            if ($np.id -eq "FixedDnsConfig"){
                foreach ($npp in $np.parameter){
                    if ($dnshost){
                        if ($npp.key -eq "address") {
                    if ($domainname){
                        if ($npp.key -eq "domainName"){
        foreach ($naa in $na.Property.Profile){
            if ($naa.Enabled){
            foreach ($naaa in $naa.Property.Profile){
                if ($naaa.Enabled){

(Get-VMHostProfile $Hostprofilename).ExtensionData.Updatehostprofile($spec)
disconnect-viserver $vcenter -confirm:$False

And yes that’s a lot of foreach’s.