Edit: this is supposed to be fixed already in the vmware.hv.helper module so make sure you have the latest version of it. I was late in writing it out :@
A while ago I wanted to list all desktops in use from one of our Connection servers. After several tries I kept having issues in finding some of the desktops. This prompted me to do a count on the amount with
and it turned out that I received only a 1000 results while I had over 1100+ in that pod. After talking to some people in the VMware Code slack it turned out that this is a limit in the query system that the View API uses. This was verified by running the query myself instead of using the module. Sadly I forgot to make screenshots when I did this and don’t have access to this environment anymore.
$hvServer1 = Connect-HVServer -Server CONNECTIONSERVER $Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData $queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService $defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition $defn.limit= 10000 $defn.maxpagesize = 10000 $defn.queryEntityType = 'MachineNamesView' $QueryResults = $queryService.queryservice_create($Services1, $defn) $queryresults.count
Despite setting the maximums to 1000 or not even filling them I always ended up with 1000 max. After again going over this on Slack I decided to create a do until to pull these results with each time a maximum of 1000 results until no results are received..
$hvServer1 = Connect-HVServer -Server CONNECTIONSERVER $Services1= $hvServer1.ExtensionData $queryService = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryServiceService $offset=0 $defn = New-Object VMware.Hv.QueryDefinition $defn.limit= 1000 $defn.maxpagesize = 1000 $defn.queryEntityType = 'MachineNamesView' $output=@() do{ $defn.startingoffset = $offset $QueryResults = $queryService.queryservice_create($Services1, $defn) if (($QueryResults.results).count -eq 1000){ $maxresults=1 } else { $maxresults=0 } $offset+=1000 $output+=$queryresults } until ($maxresults -eq 0) ($output.results).count
For this I did make a screenshot:
As you see it kind of stacks the results but the count is ok so I should be able to incorporate this into other scripts.