Building a Horizon View vCheck (part 3)

So it’s time for part 3 already of building checks for Horizon View. I got some remarks after last post and thus I need to say that the checks have been created for View 7 because some commands might not work against a 6.* installation. three new plugins this time or actually two since one was already in the original uploads on github but I didn’t mention it on here yet.

11 Linked Clone Desktop Pool Information.ps166

Just like the full clone pool information but tailored for linked pools.

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings

foreach ($pool in $pools){
if ($pool.type -like "*automated*" -AND $pool.source -like "*VIEW_COMPOSER*"){
$desktops=get-hvmachinesummary -pool $poolname
$automatedpoolstatus+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $Poolname;
								"Pool_Image" = $pool.automateddesktopdata.VirtualCenternamesdata.parentvmpath;
								"Pool_Snapshot" = $pool.automateddesktopdata.VirtualCenternamesdata.snapshotpath;
								"Desktop_Count" = ($desktops).count;
								"Available" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "AVAILABLE"}).count;
								"Connected" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "CONNECTED"}).count;
								"Disconnected" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "DISCONNECTED"}).count;
								"Maintenance" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "MAINTENANCE"}).count;
								"Provisioning" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "PROVISIONING"}).count;
								"Customizing" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "CUSTOMIZING"}).count;
								"Already_Used" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "ALREADY_USED"}).count;
								"Agent_Unreachable" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "AGENT_UNREACHABLE"}).count;
								"Error" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "ERROR"}).count;
								"Deleting" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "DELETING"}).count;
								"Provisioning_Error" = ($desktops | where {$_.base.basicstate -eq "PROVISIONING_ERROR"}).count;
$automatedpoolstatus | select Name,Pool_Image,Pool_Snapshot,Desktop_Count,Available,Connected,Disconnected,Maintenance,Provisioning,Customizing,Already_Used,Agent_Unreachable,Error,Deleting,Provisioning_Error
$Title = "Linked Clone Desktop Pool Status"
$Header = "Linked Clone Desktop Pool Status"
$Comments = "These are the pools that have floating linked clones. Not all but the most common status's are counted."
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

13 Dedicated Full Clones Assignment.ps1

This plugin is targeted at the dedicated full clones (and I just realize that one can also have dedicated linked clones so will need to build one for that as well). It gives information about which desktop is assigned to which account but also with information about the host it is running on if this information is available (not in my case).

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings

foreach ($pool in $pools){
if ($pool.type -like "*automated*" -AND $pool.source -like "*VIRTUAL_CENTER*"){
	$desktops=get-hvmachinesummary -pool $poolname
	foreach ($desktop in $desktops){
	if ($desktop.namesdata.username){
$fulldesktopassignment+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Pool_Name" = $Poolname;
								"Desktop_Name" = $;
								"Desktop_State" = $desktop.base.basicstate;
								"Desktop_Assigned_to" = $username;
								"Desktop_OperatingSystem" = $desktop.base.Operatingsystem;
								"Agent_version" = $desktop.base.agentversion;
								"Host" = $desktop.managedmachinesdata.hostname;
								"Datastore" = $desktop.ManagedMachineNamesData.datastorepaths | out-string;
$fulldesktopassignment | select Pool_Name,Desktop_Name,Desktop_State,Desktop_Assigned_to,Desktop_OperatingSystem,Agent_version,Host,Datastore
$Title = "Dedicated Desktop Pool Assignment"
$Header = "Dedicated Desktop Pool Assignment"
$Comments = "These are the dedicated desktops with their current user assignment"
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

04 License Status.ps1

This plugin gives licensing information including expiration date and what techniques are allowed under this license.

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings


$licensestatus+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Licensed" = $license.Licensed;
								"LicenseKey" = $license.LicenseKey;
								"ExpirationTime" = $license.ExpirationTime;
								"ViewComposerEnabled" = $license.ViewComposerEnabled;
								"DesktopLaunchingEnabled" = $license.DesktopLaunchingEnabled;
								"ApplicationLaunchingEnabled" = $license.ApplicationLaunchingEnabled;
								"InstantCloneEnabled" = $license.InstantCloneEnabled;
								"UsageModel" = $license.UsageModel;

$licensestatus | select Licensed,LicenseKey,ExpirationTime,ViewComposerEnabled,DesktopLaunchingEnabled,ApplicationLaunchingEnabled,InstantCloneEnabled,UsageModel

$Title = "License Status"
$Header = "License Status"
$Comments = "This is the license status information"
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

Building a Horizon View vCheck (part 2)

So last time I created some simple scripts for the Horizon View vCheck. This time I wanted to add some information about the Composer, Connection, security servers and the event database. So all in all I added four scripts that might seem to do the same but since the api’s treat the types of servers differently I decided to make separate scripts as well.

Please pull the scripts from Github since by the time you read this post things might have changed.

05 Connection Servers Status.ps1

This plugin pulls some information about the connection servers, if the status is ok and gives a warning if the Certificate will expire within 30 days. This period is something I need to change in the future to a setting so it will be customizable.

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings

foreach ($conserver in $conservers) {
if ($conserver.CertificateHealth.ExpirationTime -lt $date){
$expiring="Already Expired"
elseif ($conserver.CertificateHealth.ExpirationTime -lt $datemaxexp){
$expiring="Expiring in 30 days"
else {

$conserverstatus+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
								"Status" = $conserver.Status;
								"Version" = $conserver.Version;
								"Build" = $conserver.Build
								"Certificate_Status" = $conserver.CertificateHealth.Valid;
								"Certificate_Expiration_Time" = $conserver.CertificateHealth.ExpirationTime;
								"Certificate_Expiring" = $expiring;
								"Certificate_Invalidation_Reason" = $conserver.CertificateHealth.InValidReason;
$conserverstatus | select name,Status,Version,Build,Certificate_Status,Certificate_Expiring,Certificate_Expiration_Time,Certificate_Invalidation_Reason 

$Title = "Connection Servers Status"
$Header = "Connection Servers Status"
$Comments = "These are the used Connection Servers"
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

06 Security Servers Status.ps1

Almost the same as the connection servers but this time it checks for the security servers. I don’t run the appliance yet so will need to check on those somewhere as well.

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings

foreach ($secserver in $secservers) {
if ($secserver.CertificateHealth.ExpirationTime -lt $date){
$expiring="Already Expired"
elseif ($secserver.CertificateHealth.ExpirationTime -lt $datemaxexp){
$expiring="Expiring in 30 days"
else {

$secserverstatus+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
								"Status" = $secserver.Status;
								"Version" = $secserver.Version;
								"Build" = $secserver.Build
								"Certificate_Status" = $secserver.CertificateHealth.Valid;
								"Certificate_Expiration_Time" = $secserver.CertificateHealth.ExpirationTime;
								"Certificate_Expiring" = $expiring;
								"Certificate_Invalidation_Reason" = $secserver.CertificateHealth.InValidReason;
$secserverstatus | select name,Status,Version,Build,Certificate_Status,Certificate_Expiring,Certificate_Expiration_Time,Certificate_Invalidation_Reason 

$Title = "Security Servers Status"
$Header = "Security Servers Status"
$Comments = "These are the used Security Servers"
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

07 Composer Servers Status.ps1

Strangely enough the composer server doesn’t have a status in the api’s. I would have expected at least something for it being available or not. Because of this I only added information and the vCenter server it is connecting to. Another weird thing (might be me offcourse) is that the vcentername actually gives a plural output even though composer and vCenter have a 1on1 relation,

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings

foreach ($comserver in $comservers) {

foreach ($vcenter in $vcenters){
if ($vcenternames){
$comserverstatus+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $comserver.ServerName;
								"Version" = $comserver.Data.Version;
								"Build" = $comserver.Data.Build;
								"vCenter_Server"= $vcenternames
$comserverstatus | select name,Version,Build,vcenter_server

$Title = "Composer Servers Status"
$Header = "Composer Servers Status"
$Comments = "These are the used Composer Servers"
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

08 Event Database Status.ps1

For the event database I decided to give as much information as possible from the api’s. Maybe in the future it could pull some information from the sql server itself but I think that should be covered by a sql check.

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings

if ($eventdb.configured -eq $True){
$eventdbstatus+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Servername" = $;
								"Port" = $;
								"Status" = $;
								"Username" = $;
								"DatabaseName" = $
								"TablePrefix" = $;
								"State" = $;
								"Error" = $;
$eventdbstatus | select Servername,Port,Status,Username,DatabaseName,TablePrefix,State,Error 

$Title = "Event Database Status"
$Header = "Event Database Status"
$Comments = "These are the settings for the Event Database"
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

The result

Login Monitor Script & Check MK

Last night Paul Grevink posted a nice post about the basic setup for Check MK and i am really looking forward to the rest of the series. At my current customer we are also using Check MK so i decided to use the script I made for the VMware Login monitor fling to give output usable for Check MK. At first I was messing with the plugin folder in the check mk folder on the windows server hosting the txt files but a colleague pointed me at the local folder. The big difference is that with the local folder Check MK directly uses the output and the plugin monitor it needs another python file on the check mk server to use the data.

The script:

# This script was created by Wouter Kursten 
# contact: or or or @Magneet_NL on twitter
# Feel free to grab/copy/alter the script no need to mention me
# But if you create a better / more complete version please send me a mail so I can use that script also
# This script is meant to use with the VMware Logon Monitor FLing
# This awesome tools actually shows how long it takes to login to your systems
# And yes the info block is longer then the script itself
# There are only 5 variables you can set
# $filefolder for where the Logon Monitor Output files are stored
# $filefilter for when you want to filter what files are being read
# $fileage for how far back in time you want to go
# $warning for the warning value above wich Check MK will give a Warning.
# $critical Gues what, this is the value above wich Check MK will give a critical report.

#Region Variables
$filefolder= "d:\logonmonitor\"

#region Run 

$filelist=get-childitem "$filelocation" | where-object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (get-date).addminutes(-$fileage)}

foreach ($file in $filelist)
	$duration=(get-content $file | select-string -pattern "LogSummary] Logon Time:" | %{$_ -split " "})[6]
	$timing += $duration

$avg= $timing | measure-object -average  
$average = [System.Math]::Round($Avg.average,2)

if ($average -le "$warning")
	write-output "0 VMware_Horizon_View_Logon_Time LogonTime=$average|Logons=$count Logon time : $average sec for $count logons in the last $fileage minutes."
	elseif ($average -gt "$warning" -and $average -lt "$critical")
	write-output "1 VMware_Horizon_View_Logon_Time LogonTime=$average|Logons=$count Logon time : $average sec for $count logons in the last $fileage minutes."
	elseif ($average -ge "$critical")
	write-output "2 VMware_Horizon_View_Logon_Time LogonTime=$average|Logons=$count Logon time : $average sec for $count logons in the last $fileage minutes."

As you can see I am not only using the average logontime as before, I also count the amount of logons in the time where we measure this time. Offcourse you can create lots more data to use in Check MK this way

The output I create:

"2 VMware_Horizon_View_Logon_Time LogonTime=$average|Logons=$count Logon time : $average sec for $count logons in the last $fileage minutes."
  • The first digit is the status, 0 for ok 1 for warning and 2 for critical.
  • After that the service name that shows in Check MK
  • The come the 2 numbers we created with their own description separated by | This is used by Check MK to create a diagram
  • then separated by a space (and after this you can use spaces) the text that wil show in Check MK.

The result:

2016-08-11 21_12_01-Beheerders Desktop

The diagram:

2016-08-11 21_14_01-Beheerders Desktop

Back to basics: Daily checks

Something I still hear a lot that system engineers take their vSphere environment for granted and hardly check anything on a daily basis. I always point them at Alan Renouf‘s brilliant health check script while there are other ways to get your daily dose of health this one still rocks for me. You can remove unwanted plugins or make different selections of plugins for daily, weekly or monthly checks. Now and then I still hear people that had issues because of snapshots and there is no need for that anymore and hasn’t been for years! This script has saved me lots of times already + it helped me get management support for limiting other people’s access to the environment because they had no idea what they where doing.

Example of the output you can get:

2016-07-03 20_13_59- vCheck