vCheck for Horizon : small updates & running it (automatically) from ControlUp

Remark : as of the time I was writing this article the vCheck for Horizon  sba hasn’t been published yet. Contact me if you want me to send you the xml file.

Last week I have been doing a few small updates to the vCheck for Horizon. The file with the encrypted password is now replaced by an xml file that holds all of the credentials and is usable directly for Horizon connections. I have been using this for my blog posts and demo’s for a while already. Also I have renamed the security & composer plugins by default to old as those have been deprecated and I don’t want to have them active by default anymore. Further I have done some small changes to other plugins.

Creating the xml file

Running the vCheck from horizon

But but wasn’t the vCheck all about running it automagically?

Creating the xml file

[sta_anchor id=”xml” /]

this can be easily done like this:

$creds = get-credential
$creds | export-clixml filename.xml

as you might have seen during my demo’s you can use this $creds object to make a connection.

$creds = import-clixml filename.xml
$server = connect-hvserver connectionserver.fq.dn -credential $creds

Make sure to save this file to a good location and edit the “00 Connection Plugin for View.ps1” file with the proper location. I haven’t completely removed the old ways yet, they’re still partially there.

Running the vCheck script from ControlUp

[sta_anchor id=”controlup” /]

Before everything else: make sure the machine that will run the vCheck has the latest version of PowerCLI installed. Download it here, and unpack the modules to “C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules” like this:

There are several things that I needed to do before I was able to run the vCheck from the ControlUp console or as an Automated Action (more on this later!). First I needed a way of providing credentials to the script. This is something I do using the Create Credentials for Horizon Scripts script action. If you already use some of the other Horizon related sba’s or the Horizon Sync script you might already have this configured. What it essentially does is creating an xml file as described above in a folder dedicated for ControlUp and usable by the service account that ran the sba. More on this can be found here.

Next was a way to get the vCheck itself. I do this by downloading it from github and unpack the zip file to C:\ProgramData\ControlUp\ScriptSupport\vCheck-HorizonView-master if downloads from the interwebz aren’t available you can download and unzip it yourself, just make sure it looks like this:

Next would be all the settings for email, connection server etcetera. This is all done trough the Script Action Arguments. WHat technically happens is that the Script Action removes both the globalvariables.ps1 and the “00 Connection Plugin for View.ps1” files and recreates them with those settings.

Once you have downloaded the vCheck you can run it manually so right click any random machine and select the vCheck for Horizon.

and fill in all the details you need. If you set the Send Email to false there is no need for the rest of the info.

Once you see this screen the script has completed, make sure to read the last line for the correct status and where you saved to file to.

And on my d:\ I see the file (and some others I used for testing)

And even better I received it in my mail as well

But but wasn’t the vCheck all about running it automagically?

[sta_anchor id=”automated” /]

Well yes it is and you can do that starting with version 8.5 that we have announced today! For now it will need to run hourly but in future releases we can also do this once a day. What you need to do for this is first change the default for the script action. Select that sba and hot the modify button.

Under settings you can keep the execution context as console (this will use the monitor when you run it as an automated action) or select other machine to pick a scripting server. Also make sure to select a shared credential that has a Horizon credentials file created on this machine.

Now go to the arguments tab and edit the default settings to set them to what you need.


Editing the first one

and done, press ok after this.

Now click finalize so the monitors can also use them and go trough all the steps ( no need to share with the community) an dmake sure the ControlUp Monitors have the permissions to run the sba.

Next we go to triggers > add trigger and select the new type: scheduled and click next

select the hourly schedule and a proper start and end time and click next

On the filter criteria make sure that you set the name to a single machine, otherwise the script will run for all machines in your environment. I recommend the same machine you used for the execution context. Keep in mind that the schedule functions just like any other trigger so you need to filter properly to what machine it applies and if you don’t it will apply to all of them.

You can select the folder this machine resides in and/or select a schedule to run the script in.

At the follow-up actions click add and select run an action from the pulldown menu. Under script name select the vCheck for Horizon, click ok and next

Make sure to create a clear name and click finish

The html should automatically end up in the export location and in your email.


Horizon view vCheck : Pool Overview plugin

So one of the things still missing in the Horizon View vCheck was a plugin that simply gives an overview of all Pools with their status. In short what I am talking about is a translation from this view:

Although this sounds easy there where a lot of challenges for this one. First of all there are three separate pool types: Automated,Manual and RDS and all of them have subtypes like VIEW_COMPOSER,VIRTUAL_CENTER,FULL_CLONES,INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE,UNMANAGED or RDS and not all of these subtypes are available for all pool types. This gives a lot of options that need to be separated for the pool types. Also the VIRTUAL_CENTER subtype is used for both manually added desktops that reside on a vSphere environment and for an automatic pool creating full clones. The FULL_CLONES subtype I haven’t been able to create in my lab yet.

Further outputs like true, false or any of the subtypes above weren’t clear enough for me to use as output. For this I learned a new trick in my book called switch.

switch ($source)
			VIRTUAL_CENTER {$sourceoutput="vCenter Managed Desktop"}
			FULL_CLONES {$sourceoutput="Full Clones"}
			VIEW_COMPOSER {$sourceoutput="Linked Clones"}
			INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE {$sourceoutput="Instant Clones"}
			UNMANAGED {$sourceoutput="Non-vCenter Desktops"}
			RDS {$sourceoutput="RDS Desktops"}
			{$_ -eq "VIRTUAL_CENTER" -AND $pool.type -eq "Automated"} {$sourceoutput="Full Clones"}
			{$_ -eq "VIRTUAL_CENTER" -AND $pool.type -eq "MANUAL"} {$sourceoutput="Manually Added vCenter Managed Desktops"}
			default {$sourceoutput="No Source data available"}

Some documentation for the switch command can be found here but what it in short does is match the variable u use as input and sets or gives some output based on that. Also it can do a comparison as in above example so I was able to distinguish between Full Clones and Manually Added vCenter Managed Desktops. One thing to be aware of is that it will go trough the complete list. At first I had the two lines with the comparison in it at the top but that got overwritten since below it VIRTUAL_CENTER was recognized and the $sourceoutput would be based on that.

The Automated and Manual pools use a very similar set of code, the biggest difference is that one gets the data from the AutomatedDesktopData propertywhile the other gets it from the manualdesktopdata property.

	if ($pool.type -eq "Automated"){
		switch ($Automaticassignment)
			$TRUE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Automatic"}
			$FALSE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Manual"}
			default {$Automaticassignmentoutput="No Assignment Status Available"}
		$Pooloverview+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
			"Displayname" = $pool.base.DisplayName;
			"Description" = $pool.base.Description;
			"Status" = $poolstatusoutput;
			"Provisioning" = $ProvisioningStatusoutput;
			"Type" = $pool.type;
			"Source" = $sourceoutput;
			"User_Assignment" = $pool.AutomatedDesktopData.UserAssignment.userassignment;
			"Assignment_Type" = $Automaticassignmentoutput;
	elseif ($pool.type -eq "MANUAL"){
		$Automaticassignment= $pool.manualdesktopdata.UserAssignment.AutomaticAssignment
		switch ($Automaticassignment)
			$TRUE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Automatic"}
			$FALSE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Manual"}
			default {$Automaticassignmentoutput="No Assignment Status Available"}
		$Pooloverview+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
		"Displayname" = $pool.base.DisplayName;
		"Description" = $pool.base.Description;
		"Status" = $poolstatusoutput;
		"Provisioning" = $ProvisioningStatusoutput;
		"Type" = $pool.type;
		"Source" = $sourceoutput;
		"User_Assignment" = $pool.manualdesktopdata.UserAssignment.UserAssignment;
		"Assignment_Type" = $Automaticassignmentoutput;

The RDS block gives a totally different view though. The information had to be pulled from the farms that are the backend for the desktops.

	elseif ($pool.type -eq "RDS"){
		switch ($source)
			VIEW_COMPOSER {$sourceoutput="Linked Clones RDS Hosts"}
			INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE {$sourceoutput="Instant Clones RDS Hosts"}
			default {$sourceoutput="Manually Added RDS Hosts"}

		switch ($ProvisioningStatus)
			$True {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="Enabled"}
			$False {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="Disabled"}
			default {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="N/A"}

		$Pooloverview+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
		"Displayname" = $pool.base.DisplayName;
		"Description" = $pool.base.Description;
		"Status" = $poolstatusoutput;
		"Provisioning" = $ProvisioningStatusoutput;
		"Type" = ($$;
		"Source" = $sourceoutput;
		"User_Assignment" = "N/A";
		"Assignment_Type" = "N/A";

And when done I ended up with the following script. As usual it might get some improvements or I need to squash some bug so better check the latest version on Github.

# Start of Settings
# End of Settings

foreach ($pool in $pools){
	switch ($poolstatus)
			$True {$poolstatusoutput="Enabled"}
			$False {$poolstatusoutput="Disabled"}
			default {$poolstatusoutput="No Pool Status available"}

	switch ($ProvisioningStatus)
			$True {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="Enabled"}
			$False {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="Disabled"}
			default {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="No Pool Provisioning Status available"}

	switch ($source)
			VIRTUAL_CENTER {$sourceoutput="vCenter Managed Desktop"}
			FULL_CLONES {$sourceoutput="Full Clones"}
			VIEW_COMPOSER {$sourceoutput="Linked Clones"}
			INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE {$sourceoutput="Instant Clones"}
			UNMANAGED {$sourceoutput="Non-vCenter Desktops"}
			RDS {$sourceoutput="RDS Desktops"}
			{$_ -eq "VIRTUAL_CENTER" -AND $pool.type -eq "Automated"} {$sourceoutput="Full Clones"}
			{$_ -eq "VIRTUAL_CENTER" -AND $pool.type -eq "MANUAL"} {$sourceoutput="Manually Added vCenter Managed Desktops"}
			default {$sourceoutput="No Source data available"}

	if ($pool.type -eq "Automated"){
		switch ($Automaticassignment)
			$TRUE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Automatic"}
			$FALSE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Manual"}
			default {$Automaticassignmentoutput="No Assignment Status Available"}
		$Pooloverview+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
			"Displayname" = $pool.base.DisplayName;
			"Description" = $pool.base.Description;
			"Status" = $poolstatusoutput;
			"Provisioning" = $ProvisioningStatusoutput;
			"Type" = $pool.type;
			"Source" = $sourceoutput;
			"User_Assignment" = $pool.AutomatedDesktopData.UserAssignment.userassignment;
			"Assignment_Type" = $Automaticassignmentoutput;

	elseif ($pool.type -eq "MANUAL"){
		$Automaticassignment= $pool.manualdesktopdata.UserAssignment.AutomaticAssignment
		switch ($Automaticassignment)
			$TRUE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Automatic"}
			$FALSE {$Automaticassignmentoutput="Manual"}
			default {$Automaticassignmentoutput="No Assignment Status Available"}
		$Pooloverview+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
		"Displayname" = $pool.base.DisplayName;
		"Description" = $pool.base.Description;
		"Status" = $poolstatusoutput;
		"Provisioning" = $ProvisioningStatusoutput;
		"Type" = $pool.type;
		"Source" = $sourceoutput;
		"User_Assignment" = $pool.manualdesktopdata.UserAssignment.UserAssignment;
		"Assignment_Type" = $Automaticassignmentoutput;

	elseif ($pool.type -eq "RDS"){
		switch ($source)
			VIEW_COMPOSER {$sourceoutput="Linked Clones RDS Hosts"}
			INSTANT_CLONE_ENGINE {$sourceoutput="Instant Clones RDS Hosts"}
			default {$sourceoutput="Manually Added RDS Hosts"}

		switch ($ProvisioningStatus)
			$True {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="Enabled"}
			$False {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="Disabled"}
			default {$ProvisioningStatusoutput="N/A"}

		$Pooloverview+=New-Object PSObject -Property @{"Name" = $;
		"Displayname" = $pool.base.DisplayName;
		"Description" = $pool.base.Description;
		"Status" = $poolstatusoutput;
		"Provisioning" = $ProvisioningStatusoutput;
		"Type" = ($$;
		"Source" = $sourceoutput;
		"User_Assignment" = "N/A";
		"Assignment_Type" = "N/A";

$Pooloverview | select Name,Displayname,Description,Status,Provisioning,Type,Source,User_Assignment,Assignment_Type
$Title = "Overview of all Pools"
$Header = "Overview of all Pools"
$Comments = "Gives an overview of the general status of all pools"
$Display = "Table"
$Author = "Wouter Kursten"
$PluginVersion = 0.1
$PluginCategory = "View"

And a screenshot of the result:

VMworld EU 2017 Day 3

Day three, the last one, was a short day for me this year. I had an appointment with the VMware Design studio at 8am but the gates didn’t open until 8 as well and I had to drop my suitcase first so I rescheduled it to 9.15 while talking to the guy that I would have the session with! After this I decided to go to the vmtn area to finish up my powerpoint for the vBrownbag I would be doing by noon. I kept changing and changing stuf and somehow managed to remove the one slide you need when generating output: the output itself. Also during the presentation I never got into a good flow so I wasn’t happy with the end result. After this there where some rumors about horrible queues at the airport so I scrambled to get there but in the end the line to drop off my suitcase took longer then security.