Update: There is a new way to pull the event information without having to enter the sql password please see this post about it.
So in one of the first posts I did about Powercli 6.5 was a bit about pulling events from the Horizon View events database. This off course was not the crude way to pull the events. Another was was using the event dumper fling but that one is a bit to slow for my taste. I decided to create a script that leveraged and had the speed of PowerCli but actually gave some options and that dumped the results in a .csv file since reading them from the command line will be too much at some point.
What I ended up with is a 71 line script where 18 are informational, 8 blanks, 1 that pulls the information and the rest for the menus and error handling. I decided on not giving any real errors when things don’t work but just red text. A lot is done with try <> catch and a if elseif else.
There is no need to load any modules but the scripts assumes at least PowerCLI 6.5 with the vmware.hv.helper module loaded.
I have created a github repo for these smaller scripts over here.
#------------------------------------------------- # Get the Horizon view event for the last x time and export to a csv # # Requires PowerCLI 6.5 or higher # Requires vmware.hv.helper module # Module can be found at https://github.com/vmware/PowerCLI-Example-Scripts # # Version 1.0 # 16-06-2017 # Created by: Wouter Kursten # #------------------------------------------------- # Load the required VMware modules (for PowerShell only) Write-Host "Loading VMware PowerCLI Modules" -ForegroundColor Green try { get-module -listavailable vm* | import-module -erroraction stop } catch { write-host "No Powercli 6.5 or higher found" -ForegroundColor Red } $version=get-powercliversion -WarningAction silentlyContinue if ($version.build -lt 4624819) { write-host "Horizon View api's require Powercli 6.5 or higher to function, please upgrade PowerCLI" -ForegroundColor Red exit } elseif (get-module vmware.hv.helper ) { write-host "VMware.hv.helper found" } else { write-host "Please download and install the VMware.hv.helper module from https://github.com/vmware/PowerCLI-Example-Scripts" -ForegroundColor Red exit } #Ask for connection information $hvservername=Read-host "Welke Connection broker?" $domain=read-host "Please enter your active directory domain?" $username=Read-host "Please enter your useraccount" $password=Read-host -assecurestring "Please enter your password" #Connect to View Connection broker write-host "Connecting to the connection broker" -ForegroundColor Green try { $hvserver=connect-hvserver $hvservername -domain $domain -username $username -password $password -WarningAction silentlyContinue -erroraction stop } catch { Write-host "Can't connect to the Connection server please check the credentials." -ForegroundColor Red exit } #connect to the Event Database $dbpassword=Read-host -assecurestring "Please enter the password of the account configured in Horizon View to access the event database." write-host "Connecting to the database" -ForegroundColor Green try { $eventdb=connect-hvevent -dbpassword $dbpassword -erroraction stop } catch { Write-host "Can't connect to the Database server please check the password." -ForegroundColor Red exit } #Retreive information write-host "Please provide the following information use % as wildcard." -ForegroundColor Green $searchuser=Read-Host "Please enter the accountname you need information on?" $module=Read-Host "What module do you want the logs for? (Agent,Broker,Client,Tunnel,Framework,Client)" $sevfilter=Read-Host "What is the severity level you need information on?(Audit_fail, Audit_Success,Info,Warning,Error)" $message=Read-host "Looking for any specific text in the message?" $maxage=Read-Host "How far do you want to look back in event history? (Day,week,month,all)" $filelocation=Read-host "Please provide filename and location for the exported csv file" #Export to file $lastevent=get-hvevent -hvdbserver $eventdb -timeperiod $maxage -SeverityFilter $sevfilter -userfilter $searchuser -modulefilter $module -messagefilter $message try { $lastevent.events | export-csv $filelocation -erroraction stop } catch{ write-host "Unable to create the file, please check name and location" -ForegroundColor Red exit } Write-host "Events have been successfully exported." -ForegroundColor Green
And how does this look in the end??